Monday, April 24, 2006

Signs that you are an MBA

10 Signs that you are an MBA - thesis work by Anurag Saxena :D

  1. You give lessons in Customer Relationship Management to the shopkeepers, explain them the concept of the Lifetime value of a customer while bargaining.
  2. You point out the inefficiencies in the Supply Chain of your local dhaaba waala.
  3. You think of applying Business Process Re-Engineering to day to day activities.
  4. You think of Process Improvements and automation while standing in the queues of Government offices.
  5. You use a lot of jargon and fancy terminologies in your oral and written communication.
  6. Microsoft Excel is the most commonly used software for you.
  7. You try to predict the share prices by making use of Business Forecasting techniques.
  8. You get a new Broadband connection at home by explaining the ROI and expected payback period to your family.
  9. You compare promotional schemes by drawing line diagrams.
  10. In the free time, you start blogging and write stuff that no one except you understands :p

If this matches your behaviour, both of us need to find a good doctor :)


Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

Hi XP, Rishin blog is add me

Pooja Mayer said...

what is the difference between geek and geek-MBA ?