Saturday, July 01, 2006

I'm Back

Close to a month has passed since I made a post on this blog, earlier I had so much time to spare but didn't have anything to write about and now I have so much to share but not much time to post. My first company (those who know me know the company's name) subjected the campus joinees to a 10 day residential training which covered things from work culture, corporate heirarchy, the history, mission vission to the extensive use of technology and focus on quality (almost every speaker had a slide on Quality and CMM level 5). Now that the training is over, actual work begins...system configuration - P4 3 GHz, 1 GB RAM, TFT Monitor and the best thing - download speed 1MBPS! It's a pity that photography is not allowed inside the office premises, would have loved to share the pics from that amazing office.

Hopefully, this 5-days-a-week culture will be strictly followed and I'll get back to regular posting from now on :)
